Thursday, January 1, 2009

Let's spread some Goodwill, shall we?

I'd like to take some time as we begin 2009 to remind everyone that while the new year is bright and shiny, everything that you buy doesn't have to be.

Last night I was chatting with a friend, and he mentioned that he had to peace out in order to get his NYE clothes at Goodwill. I thought that was absolutely brilliant. As my sis, the Goodwill Fashionista, would say - Goodwill has something for everyone. But this entry is not just a promotion of Goodwill, but rather one of the ideals that comes to mind when I think of them - the reuse of goods, instead of the waste of them.

Another friend was over for dinner last night and asked me what my decorating style was (first time she had seen the apartment), and I replied "Used." While I'm not sure that Home & Garden would qualify that as a style technically-speaking, in my case it's very true. My furniture comes from a variety of places: cheap antique shops, garage sales, family members, and in one case, off the side of the road. My pictures in my bedroom are all from Goodwill or garage sales. My flatware is from a CSO catering sale, and the rest of my kitchen stuff is mostly hard-bargained-for antiques. And somehow it all works - I love the way all of the eclectic items fit together. And honestly, nothing says a fantastic Saturday afternoon like a couple of hours at a good used bookstore.

And while I may be up on my soapbox right now, I have to admit - used is the way to go. Everytime I put on my bright orange velvet blazer from Goodill, I think, "Man, you can't find this kind of stuff anywhere else." Especially in a time of recession mixed in with environmental concerns, shopping used is a great way to "Reuse, Reduce, Recycle." Admittedly, buying organic and/or natural can be difficult when one is on a budget, but next time you think of purchasing, make the treck to your local thrift shop and see what magic can happen. I started doing this back in high school and bought both my homecoming dresses for only $10 each.

As the infamous Coco Chanel once said, "Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening." So consider the way we live next time you shop.


Anonymous said...

You have a great apartment and I can only imagine the cool finds in 2009 !
It's great fun to go to resale shops to find not only clothes but great things for house and home and apts !
Keep donating and keep shopping :)

DC Goodwill Fashionista said...

I AM the DC Goodwill Fashionista! Done. -the DCGF

Holden said...

By the way, you can't see the magenta flannel pants in this picture, but the whole outfit was procured at Goodwill on New Years Eve -- and I think it accomplished its goal of being a 1990's high school raver / techno music geek: