Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tiny Wooden Shoes

So this weekend, my mom and I took advantage of the great weather and roadtripped up to Holland, MI to play tourist on Saturday. The whole fam went here when I was still pretty little - I only vaguely remembered things. Anyway, we started out at the tulip farm and wooden shoe factory that also featured bison (yes, Holland, MI has lots of Dutch touristy things...get it - Holland...). Here we saw pretty flowers and wooden shoes, Dutch art, and yes, a bison.

After the bison, we moved onto a faux-Dutch village complete with staff in more wooden shoes, a carousel, tiny Dutch houses, fudge...mmm, um and a bunch of other stuff. It was funny because one could definitely tell that the area had built up around it - my Dutch village experience was only slightly marred by the highway in the background - very American.

Stained glass window in the church - really beautiful.

Yes, I'm royalty, didn't you know?

Van Gogh - pre-ear cutting incident.

Mom being carried by a stork...the white stork is the symbol of The Hague in the Netherlands.

And post-stork, we got fudge...mmm...this is a pic of other candy choices that we forewent.

Big shoutout to all of the faux-Dutch for showing us such a great time.

And a huge shoutout for Michigan for not having a 10% sales tax. Our post-tiny-wooden-shoe trip included meandering to a local mall where I could buy stuff that didn't bring tears to my eyes when I saw the receipt. Totes awesome.

And this, dear readers, is where the pictures come from (no stork needed):


Anonymous said...

I love these pics !!! It was a GREAT day in the Holland neighborhood :)
Where's the pic of you on the carousel ? That was a good one.

DC Goodwill Fashionista said...

A picture of you taking a picture. How very "meta"... -the DCGF