Monday, November 17, 2008

My apathy wins

So in yesterday's blog post I highlighted my apathy towards, well, least for the day.

And apparently, voters for new entries into the Collins English Dictionary agreed with me. Lexicographers everywhere enthusiastically voted to enter the word "meh" into the dictionary. Odd that they were excited about "meh," is it not?

HarperCollins made the announcement that the word will be included in the dictionary's 30th anniversary edition.

Fun fact for the day: Allegedly the word came into popular usage after a 2001 "The Simpsons" episode where are Bart and Lisa are watching TV and Homer comes in to suggest a day trip, to which they both reply "meh."

So big congrats to "meh" for beating out inferior contenders such as "jargonaut," "frenemy," and "huggles."

I could write more about this event, but...meh...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Meh...I don't know what to say !