Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Random Musings

Bread withdrawal has made me uncreative, so here's some deep thoughts from me - I know, you're thrilled:

1) Making out with a girlfriend/boyfriend is not acceptable on the bus.

2) Discussing the marginalization of any sort of society/people does not necessarily make one an intelligent human being.

3) Deciding to go for a run in -6 weather is just stupid

4) One of the hazards of owning a cat is the possiblity that he might play with his furry mice toys during the day and one of these said mouse toys may get stuck in the area between the floor and the apartment door resulting in one having to bodily throw oneself against one's apartment door to get in said apartment.

But he's a cutie and I love it's okay:)

5) When your apartment building says that they're "increasing security" by providing new laser-cut, Pentagon-technology keys to the building. Translation: We're providing one key that can't be copied so you're on your own in case of emergency. Plus, we're only replacing the actual keyhole and not the lock, so the door still doesn't really close and the outside door is still unlocked. Oh, and the gate out back? It is totally Pentagon-technology secured...when people actually close it.

Yeah, that's all I got today.

In the words of my older sister: blargh.

Blarghety, blargh, blargh