Sunday, February 3, 2008

Frailty thy name is Woman

No, don't let the title fool you...I haven't had a husband die only to replace him with his brother while my son sees visions and slowly goes crazy...silly people.

No, my inability to commit comes in several ways: failure to commit to blogging often, failure to commit to more than one date with any one given person (ahh, the stories), and failure to commit to changing this behavior. I joke around all the time with my family & friends about this fear of commitment like it's a fun little quirk of habit. My concern of late is that this is less a quirk and more of a consistent personality trait: no relationship more than a few months, living in a city no longer than a year, changing jobs after one year, constantly changing my hair, re-arranging furniture every few months, etc., etc. Now, David Beckham has these same obsessive behaviors - including having to vacuum the rug in exact straight lines - but as I'm not being paid millions a year to play soccer and take my shirt off for advertising, I have this niggling thought that we're really both not in the same boat.

Having come to the conclusion that no one will pay me to keep on having commitment problems, I've come up with a series of goals that I may or may not commit to:)

1) Living in Chicago minimum of two years: Only one year and six months to go - deep breath in and out, phewwwww...
2) Leaving my furniture alone until my birthday: Only three more months...three more months
3) Not messing with my hair until it grows at least 14 inches: This may not work - I'm cheap and that's a lot of shampoo...buuuttt...less haircuts...hmm...
4) Not handing my business card out to cute strangers: Done and done...note to self - no longer carry business cards

That said, I am firmly committed to several things that I can pride myself on:
1) Sugar - my cute, cuddly, chubby cat has my lifelong commitment - how could I not?
2) Supporting various causes - I feel strongly about donating to many organizations that are working for a better world including the WWF and CARE
3) Speaking French - I attend class twice a week and move up a level every five weeks - I've now been doing that since September and can't imagine not going
4) Movie trivia - Please, everyone has a hobby
5) Working in the arts - bringing you music, one dollar at a time
6) Friends and family - because really, your life is better with me in it...hahahahaha...just kidding:)

Now before you think I'm pulling a Britney Spears and committing my self to a psych ward, I'm actually just reflecting on a series of events in the past few weeks. I'm getting better at committing, though - I mean after all, I've been a member of Netflix since 2004.


January 30 day goal update: I SUCCESSFULLY purchased 0 DVDs in the month of January. To celebrate, I bought the 1st season of The Tudors on February 1st - WITH a coupon. Booyah. But I've learned something - I don't have to always give in to the need to buy, buy, buy. Stronger, baby, stronger:)

February 30 day goal: Write a card or letter to someone everyday - friend or family. I happen to still love snail mail and I hope to share that with others. I've got my Chinese New Year/Cary Grant stamps ready to go - Bon chance a moi!!


Anonymous said...

I think your grandparents are to blame for some of your "problems" and/or "quirks" !! Maybe the right guy will come along someday and help you move the furniture. The word committed is just not what it used to be !

EmilyHaHa said...

I wholeheartedly endorse your support of the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) and all of the good they do for humanity.

Unknown said...

I think that if you'd like, Katy I could set you up with one of my counseling sessions, "Let a Pimp,well, pimp!" It could prove valuable. And since your a friend and neighbor, I'll waive the $499/hr fee for a third of that, and a guaranteed date with Mr. Wright.

Vita said...

"emilyhaha" completely beat me to the punch. I still echo her sentiment. :)