Monday, September 21, 2009

A Love Letter

Dear Public Library,

I'm so sorry I've let the love between us die. The siren song of myriad Chicago bookstores led me astray. You've been good to me for years, and what do I do? I leave you stranded on the street corner as I give the cold shoulder on my way to the nearest Borders.

How could I forget all the good times we've had? The years of Book-it where I got to read all I want and earn free pizza. The hot Saturday afternoons where I would enter your air-conditioned halls and pick out books for the summer reading program. You gave me free internet when I had no computer. You helped me prepare for high school, college, and my GREs.

Oh public library, without you I would have never discovered the glory of Leon Uris, the fun of the American Girl Series, the mystery of Victoria Holt, or the beauty of Wordsworth. Sans my library goodness time, I would never had my themed reading summers during college: the Japanese theatre during WWII, the wives and children of Henry VIII, and history of the Jewish population in Europe.

So I'm sorry for all of the lost time - the years we've spent apart. But I am here to make amends. I visited you today, and it was everything I hoped it would be. I can't wait to start my new biography of Elizabeth Cady Stanton. I look forward to renewing our relationship and being the good friends that we once used to be.

I heart you public library, don't you ever forget it.



1 comment:

Marilyn said...

I can still see you and Em in the Eagle's Nest reading away to earn those points for all the wonderful, fun, junky prizes at the library ! Good times...
And our library was so cool being by the railroad tracks !
I'm glad you are going back.