Thursday, September 10, 2009

Princess Power

So I'll cop to the fact that when I was but a wee girl I liked the Disney princess movies. I watched the Sleeping Beauty, the Cinderella, the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. My hands-down favorite "princess" was Belle, though, from Beauty and the Beast. She's wicked smart, a brunette, loves to read, doesn't give in to social pressure, has a good relationship with her Dad, and let's be honest, truly saves the day.

However, I'm slightly terrified of the turn the "Disney Princesses" have taken in the past several years. Disney has grouped them altogether in a pastel pink world where little girls can wile away their days with fancy dresses and dreams of a Prince Charming. Barf. And what about the non-princess heroines like Pocahontas, Mulan, or Esmerelda? Are we stashing them away so Disney can subtly indoctrine young girls with a belief in the class system?

I mean, seriously.

However, recently I stumbled across some artwork that warms my heart that is two sizes too small. While spending sometime on Total Film, I read an article about "6 Dark Remakes Starring Disney Princesses." My hope upon hope that Rob Zombie had somehow gotten the rights to The Little Mermaid turned out to be false, but I was introduced to some amazing artwork that meshes my past-love of Disney and my current love of horror films. All thanks to DeviantArt and DeviantArt regular Jeffrey Thomas. And again, my favorite is Belle - now a more feral version with a badder beast (awesome).

A close second? Sleeping Beauty - now as a vampire (brilliant).

You can see TotalFilm's article here and the rest of the princesses here. Enjoy!


Marilyn said...

I'm going with Jasmine !

EmilyHaHa said...

This is almost as awesome as the Edward Scissorhands version of My Little Pony!