Wednesday, August 26, 2009

2009 Europe Trip - The condensed version

Due to the following factors: 1) lack of time 2) my immense enjoyment in posting pictures on Facebook and 3) the fact that I have several other things I want to blog about, I have decided to forgo the traditional approach to assigning a blog to each of the cities I visited. Instead in this blog for each of the remaining cities I will post one picture and give you my 5 favorite things from that experience.

If you want to know more about my trip, let's go old school and actually talk to each other live and in person...

1) Finally getting to see a place that I have read so much about.
2) Witnessing history that should never be forgotten
3) The 1.5 hour drive from Krakow to Auschwitz
4) My amazing tour guide who balanced extremely well the facts and the emotion of the experience
5) Never forgetting

1) Standing in a place where the Teutonic Knights once were
2) Dominika's father's "informal" tour
3) Seeing firsthand a medieval castle
4) Walking around in the rain
5) Goofing around with friends

1) Seeing the gorgeous waterfront
2) Communist apartment blocks
3) Walking through the open market
4) Taking pictures in St. Mary's Church
5) Kebobs - the Polish Taco Bell

1) Spending time with the Fard and Szreder families
2) Witnessing the wedding of two wonderful people
3) Cute, friendly Polish kitties
4) Hunter's stew
4) Vodka, good food, and throwing glass against a rock

1) Troilus and Cressida at The Globe
2) Ordering the same sandwich at the same place (from when I was a student in 2003) and having it tasted the very same
3) The Florence Nightingale Museum
4) Cute 21 year olds who ask me to go salsa dancing
5) The 39 Steps

Also fulfilled another goal: 45) See Auschwitz


Anonymous said...

All pluses on this trip, eh ?

Kim said...

And for those of us who never have enough time to read everything, the condensed version is a wonderful thing. Thanks!

Holden said...

What sandwich shop? Behind the ND class building?

KT said...

Yep, that one - Orsini.

KyleJ19 said...

Love it love it...still awaiting your card in the post (sadly)

KT said...

You're never going to get the postcard I'm afraid - I mailed sixteen and no one has received anything:(

EmilyHaHa said...

What is this "live and in person" thing of which you speak?