Monday, December 15, 2008

My being famous...sort of

So last night, in an effort to further procrastinate on my Christmas cards (although all of them are now in the mail!), I was messing around and discovered that I'm on YouTube - albeit an extremely short amount of time. But, nevertheless, it brought back good memories.

I'm in the second row of trombones after the Irish Guard - right in front of the camera - totes.


DC Goodwill Fashionista said...

That's it? No catty commentary? You disappoint... -the DCGF

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love it !!!! The Bones were the Best !

NEAR said...

I SAW YOU! Yeah. This is cool. Do you know who put it up???

You are FAMOUS!!!

KT said...

I don't know who put it up - some random fan, I guess!