Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Me!!

Today, I celebrate one year with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra! Totes exciting, I know:)

Being at a job for one year = performance review

Performance review = Fulfilling one of my 100 goals! "And the crowd goes wild!!!"

52) Learn to take a compliment

During the review, I learned to take a compliment - without looking at the ceiling, turning red, or attempting to change the subject.

In fact, I actually was able to compliment myself. For those of you who I've asked to help edit my extremely awkward cover letters, you know how big of a step this is for me.

So, check, off the list!

Now, off to enjoy my one year anniversary...and the fact that this is the first summer in 8 years that I won't be moving!!


KyleJ19 said...

You rock KT...I'm still jealous about your upcoming London visit however ;)

Anonymous said...

HALLelujah !!!! She's staying put for awhile.

Holden said...

Where can we view your full list of ToDos, by the way?

KT said...

My full list is the column to the right of the blog...feel free to add suggestions on how to complete them!!