Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Note to Self

This phrase, "Note to Self" - I use it often. It's sort of my thing. I adamently refuse to use trendy business terms like "let's circle back" and "I'll keep that on my radar." So, instead, quite a while ago, I decided to use "Note to Self." It's good times, I like it. And I have now decided to use my phrase as a theme for occasional blogs. It will be like you'll reading my internal memos - sort of. So, anyway, to commence:

Note to Self:

-Don't dance in the hallway of your apartment when there is a risk that your cat could trip you and you could then slam into bathroom doorframe

-Finding a $20 on the sidewalk is just as cool at 26 as it was at 16

-Don't sit next to the crazy guy spouting Bible verses no matter how tired you are, or how inviting the empty seat looks on the bus...there is a reason it's the only one left

-Watching old episodes of Gossip Girl is not acceptable - no matter how bored you are (don't judge)

-Conjugating French verbs is just as hard at 26 as it was at 16

-Sometimes VH1 gets it right with "Emerging Artists," so stop whining everytime a "female singer-songwriter" comes on - remember the amazingness of Duffy - eventually they'll be another one just like her

-Parties in huge apartments overlooking Lake Michigan - go to more of them - they're awesome

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is fun. Like reading your diary and whatnot.