Thursday, December 10, 2009

Star Wars - I has it.

I have been totally blog and my 100/10 goals... To the point where I have forgotten to post about one! I know - totally my fault. I'm busting out the ashes and the sackcloth now.

So...moving on. This past fall, I, and several lovely other friends, were hosted by the newlywed Kincaids in their apartment for a super fun party. But not just any party, oh no. It was a Star Wars party. All six movies, one day. Start time - 9:30am. End time - 11:30pm. We. Were. (Storm) Troopers.

It was a great day including lots of good food, blue drinks, and a ton of random Star Wars quotes. We watched the movies in chronological order per the story, not the release date. Thus, the first three were the newest ones that, I'm sorry, just aren't good! I'd seen them before and was prepared to give them another chance, but they're just awful. By the time we finished those, I was wondering how the heck I would ever get through three more.

However, the three original movies continue to be ridiculously good. The time flew by and all too soon we were done. All of us agreed that we could watch A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and The Return of the Jedi over and over - but maybe not again until next year...

(Now for some phone pics)

Done and done - 79) Watch all six Star Wars movies in a row


Unknown said...

Sounds like fun! I love movie marathons, AND cupcakes!

Kreasi Kita said...

Hallo, How are u? i am from indonesian.. i like your blog. i hope you for follow too at my blog please. thank so mauch


EmilyHaHa said...

I am not from indonesian, but I *do* like cupcakes.