Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New...yeah, whatever.

Well it's that time of year know, when the year ends and whatnot. Meh. I mean, sure it's a time for self-reflection, setting new goals, etc., etc., but I'm not sure if I want to do that. Or really, if it's even an effective method of re-evaluating. I mean, New Year's resolutions are a lot of pressure.

One thing I have done, though, is to reassess my 100/10 list. Just small tweaks that make the list better and more mine. Although, I did have a second party listen to my proposed changes and approve or not. I know, you might be thinking "Cheater!" But really, the list is mine to complete and enjoy (along with you all my dear blog readers). And no changes make the list necessarily harder or easier...just better. I'm super excited! 15 goals complete in 1.5 years - right on schedule, eh? Smooches to anyone that finds the differences.

That's it really, that's all I got. No deep thoughts - rien de moi. So, I leave you with someone who does have serious thoughts and reflections...


Anonymous said...

Every day is a new year's day !! And we should treat it just like that and be grateful. And we all need to stop and sit and look out the window and just be glad....for whatever.
Sugar knows....

Kreasi Kita said...

I am reza from indonesian...ilike to visit your reading your posting etc. please visit my blog
Thank u so much.

EmilyHaHa said...

I, for one, will NOT visit Nyakreza's blog. Just because. So there.