Monday, September 21, 2009

A Love Letter

Dear Public Library,

I'm so sorry I've let the love between us die. The siren song of myriad Chicago bookstores led me astray. You've been good to me for years, and what do I do? I leave you stranded on the street corner as I give the cold shoulder on my way to the nearest Borders.

How could I forget all the good times we've had? The years of Book-it where I got to read all I want and earn free pizza. The hot Saturday afternoons where I would enter your air-conditioned halls and pick out books for the summer reading program. You gave me free internet when I had no computer. You helped me prepare for high school, college, and my GREs.

Oh public library, without you I would have never discovered the glory of Leon Uris, the fun of the American Girl Series, the mystery of Victoria Holt, or the beauty of Wordsworth. Sans my library goodness time, I would never had my themed reading summers during college: the Japanese theatre during WWII, the wives and children of Henry VIII, and history of the Jewish population in Europe.

So I'm sorry for all of the lost time - the years we've spent apart. But I am here to make amends. I visited you today, and it was everything I hoped it would be. I can't wait to start my new biography of Elizabeth Cady Stanton. I look forward to renewing our relationship and being the good friends that we once used to be.

I heart you public library, don't you ever forget it.



Monday, September 14, 2009

The Wisdom of The Princess Bride

As Count Rugen said in this classic film, before being killed by everyone's favorite Inigo Montoya, "If you haven't got your health, then you haven't got anything."

So true.

Normally this blog doesn't get overly personal, but tonight, my friends is different. I've put on weight since moving to Chicago. A lot of weight...let's not sugarcoat anything. I finally, finally realized this an hour ago as I tried on dresses for our opening gala in a few weeks and nothing fit. And not in the girl way of just finding an excuse to buy something new...literally. nothing. fit.

This gain is due to a lot of factors: eating as a solution to stress; a lot of late nights; having two jobs, taking classes, being involved in the community, and moving - twice; going out with old friends and making new friends; eating on the cheap; McDonald's when it's convenient.

But I'm out of excuses. As well I should be - no more "I'll start eating healthy tomorrow," or "I'll get up early to work out," (when do I ever voluntarily wake up early?), or "I'll give myself a free day to eat whatever I want." Because obviously folks, that's not working.

And if you can't tell so far, I'm pretty angry at myself. At 27, I should be in great shape - instead my clothes don't fit and I have high cholesterol. Stupid, and I know that. In high school I was always worried about being heavier than my classmates, but now I would kill for that body!

So, done. That's it. No more excuses, no more putting it off, in short, no more bull s***. I've always been a strong, disciplined woman and there's no reason to stop now. If I've survived living on two continents, graduating with my masters at 24, moving across the country twice, and working for one of the best orchestras on earth, I can sure as hell put down the donut.

So while this is a battle cry to myself to eat healthy and work out, I am still cognizant of two things 1) I've said this stuff before to no avail and 2) In the morning light, everything could seem fine. But, I feel different - ready for the challenge and eager to prove myself wrong.

So if someone asks me if I'm going to hit up the salad bar, pound the pavement, hit the weights, or take my racquet to the courts, I'll say, "Tell them I'm coming, and hell's coming with me. " (See Tombstone)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Princess Power

So I'll cop to the fact that when I was but a wee girl I liked the Disney princess movies. I watched the Sleeping Beauty, the Cinderella, the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. My hands-down favorite "princess" was Belle, though, from Beauty and the Beast. She's wicked smart, a brunette, loves to read, doesn't give in to social pressure, has a good relationship with her Dad, and let's be honest, truly saves the day.

However, I'm slightly terrified of the turn the "Disney Princesses" have taken in the past several years. Disney has grouped them altogether in a pastel pink world where little girls can wile away their days with fancy dresses and dreams of a Prince Charming. Barf. And what about the non-princess heroines like Pocahontas, Mulan, or Esmerelda? Are we stashing them away so Disney can subtly indoctrine young girls with a belief in the class system?

I mean, seriously.

However, recently I stumbled across some artwork that warms my heart that is two sizes too small. While spending sometime on Total Film, I read an article about "6 Dark Remakes Starring Disney Princesses." My hope upon hope that Rob Zombie had somehow gotten the rights to The Little Mermaid turned out to be false, but I was introduced to some amazing artwork that meshes my past-love of Disney and my current love of horror films. All thanks to DeviantArt and DeviantArt regular Jeffrey Thomas. And again, my favorite is Belle - now a more feral version with a badder beast (awesome).

A close second? Sleeping Beauty - now as a vampire (brilliant).

You can see TotalFilm's article here and the rest of the princesses here. Enjoy!