Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's that kind of day

So, even though I'm in the middle of a very exciting time (future blog posts will further define), it's still be one of those weeks where I look back and all I can think is "REALLY?" I started out pretty well on Sunday, catching up with a friend at my fave Hyde Park breadfast spot. However, two broken down busses, one flooded kitchen sink, one too-full suitcase, three days of scalding water in the shower, two extremely rude salespeople, 8 pieces of junk mail from my own bank, and 23 furry mice all over my apartment (fake ones, thank goodness) later, I'm over it.

In order to find my happy place, I am going to keep with mind what I'm thankful for...

Green tea in the mornings
My incredibly funny French class
Plaid ballet flats
Sympathetic kitties
McDonald's at 11pm
Rainy days
TV Monde 5
Pretty Swiss francs
My new iPod

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