Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Je me chausse

Or literally, I shoe myself en francais. But it really means more of "I wear these shoes." And, oh yes, I do... I love the shoes, although I've gotten rid of several in the past months, and I think I'm down to only about 50 pairs. Sad, I know. And while I wish I could say Je me chausse avec chez Louboutin, it's more like Je me chausse avec chez Payless. Oh well, c'est la vie. However, Payless has had some kickin' shoes lately and I am enamoured of their Alice + Olivia for Payless line. And, since I don't have the paycheck that allows me to buy the real A + O stuff, for now I'll stick with the low-end.

And that's exactly what I've been doing lately - sprucing up my spring/summer wardrobe with some fabulous new shoes. I'm proud to say that all of them have been on sale/clearance/BoGo from a few different stores. And I'm also proud to say that the lowest heal is 4 inches, because however tall I am, I can always be taller. I take true joy in new shoes and the act of buying them is just as fun as wearing them. Although the most fun, admittedly, is seeing the reactions of my friends and family.

So, to share with you my terrific new shoes, I attempted to take a picture. Of course, keep in mind that I have a chubby cat with a lifelong shoe obsession himself.

First try:

Second try:

Third try:

Close enough:

Aren't the shoes fabulous, though?


Anonymous said...

Oh Sugar !!!!! You are almost as cute as a couple of pairs of shoes.......but not quite today :) ha I am jealous of the shoe purchases....sigh

EmilyHaHa said...

Ooh-la-la! Love the ones on the far left...

NEAR said...

Oh that Sugar....picture hog!!! And the shoes - fabuloso!!!!! HaHa

Love them (and you),

Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

New shoes mean new life for the tootsies. The ones we've just seen are kickin' cool. Strut your tall self, Girl!

Sarita said...

cute shoes miss thang! i agree with Emily . . . LOVE the purple ones on the left.