Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I love my sister - don't get me wrong. But sometimes being related to the Goodwill fashionista is hard. She blogs about fashion, reads Vogue cover to cover, used to work at an upscale boutique part-time, and can walk into a store and name the brand of clothing without looking at the tag - all while promoting the value of a bargain. The girl has skills.

That said, we agree on some things:
1) White socks and black shoes are not acceptable
2) Tommy Hilfilger has a "me" complex
3) Too tight clothing looks good on no one

But, I am not a fashionista, not by any shape or form of the word. I personally think I dress well, if not a little funky. And I can bargain shop with the best of them - my high school Homecoming dresses never costed more than $10, and I have a $5 Oscar de la Renta blazer in my closet (thanks Goodwill!). I'll look at Vogue if someone throws it at me and I check out Go Fug Yourself like everybody else.

So why, you ask, is it so difficult to be related to the fashionista? Well, my friends, we do have our differences. To me, wearing sweatpants out in public to multiple venues is perfectly acceptable. I rarely wear all black (no little black dress for this girl), and more often than not it looks like Rainbow Bright exploded in the washer when I'm doing my laundry. I wear tye-died shirts and in my free time often wear multiple layers of clothing that doesn't necessarily match. And you couldn't pry my bright green Crocs from my cold dead hands.

That said, I will confess, in a nod to my fashionista sista, that I do have my brand name weaknesses that my soft heart can't say no to:

1) J brand jeans: I own the wide-leg style that premiered last year. Amazing jeans that are incredibly soft, wash well, and make my derriere look amazing - done and done.

2) Kenneth Cole...anything: Timeless style, boots you can wear for hours, dress coats that keep you warm in the Arctic/Chicago, and classic cuts that makes everyone look good!

3) BCBG dresses: Some of their stuff isn't really up my alley, but my chocolate brown jersey full-length formal dress is a testament to BCBG's ability to create a product that can withstand opening galas, public transportation, and the Kennedy Center Honors

Despite my weakness of the above brands, I continue to like clothing that was popular a few years ago (legwarmers), questionable patterns (polka dots with plaid), and styles that have yet to make it to America and be accepted (dresses over pants). I disdain skirts, am horrified of hose, and will run screaming from the designer section of Nordstom. Or fall asleep in one of the chairs while my sis is shopping...either one, really.

So where does that leave me? Probably in my Target fake Uggs with my sister weeping for me in the background.


DC Goodwill Fashionista said...

-sniff, sniff- -the DCGF

Anonymous said...

If someone gave the DCGF a hankie, she would use it for her sniff-sniff.
If someone gave Katy a hankie, she would wear it on her head.
Need I say more ?
What fun that 2 sisters can be so alike and yet so very different.

mandy said...

ewww panty hose. agreed.

oh katy how i miss you and your ability to layer four shirts and make it look cool.


DC Goodwill Fashionista said...

Oops! I fugged myself. -the DCGF