Saturday, November 21, 2009

A new buddy

A couple of weeks ago, I was leaving for work. I typically exit through my back door and cut through the alley. On my back porch I have a little covered area where some brooms, shovels, pots are stored (I haven't cleaned it out yet since taking over the lease). Well, a couple of weeks ago, I was completely freaked out by a noisy squirrel that made a hasty exit as I came through the door. Fine - squirrel wants to hang out, fine by me. The scene has been repeated several times since. Although, now that I know where all of the noise is coming from, I'm no longer scared witless before I've had my first hit of caffeine.

Yesterday, same thing - I exit and so does the squirrel. However, as I looked over, I noticed something new. My squirrel buddy has made a nest of newspaper and plastic over the past few weeks. Looks like he's decided to stay. Fine by me - he's not making too much of a mess and is pretty cute.

Looks like I have a roommate after all.

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